
We offer a wide range of geotechnical and engineering geological services including:

  • Field investigation, geomorphic and engineering geological mapping
  • Classification of rock and soil strength/density parameters for design purposes
  • Collation of field data and drafting for geotechnical assessment
  • Geotechnical assessment for hazards relating to slopes and liquefaction
  • Provision of recommendations for foundation design, support, retaining, stormwater etc
  • Support for building, resource and subdivision consent applications to tertiary authorities
  • Forensic investigation and assessments for structural failures relating to geotechnical influences

Engineering Geology

At TerraForma we pride ourselves on attaining quality, well defined geologic information to create site-specific ground models for hazard assessment, design, and planning purposes.

Our engineering geologist is experienced in both remote and field-based mapping and investigation. This includes intrusive field testing, classification of rock and soil for design purposes, geologic and geomorphic mapping, hazard identification and assessment.

We are experienced in operating within the remote outdoors and enjoy the challenge of mapping isolated or less travelled areas.

Geotechnical Investigation

Ensuring a reliable ground model is the first step to carrying out an effective geotechnical investigation. This includes field investigation, interpretation of geologic conditions and assessment.

At TerraForma our rationale involves keeping open channels of communication with our clients and their design team at all stages of the investigation. This is to ensure the requirements of the project are always being satisfied.

Having good communication and a clear understanding of the ground conditions means we can provide more suitable recommendations tailored for our clients' needs as the project progresses.

Our geotechnical investigations are carried out for all levels of projects from residential, commercial, subdivision and infrastructural development New Zealand wide. We can assist you from a preliminary stage, through to geotechnical assessment, specification of design recommendations, geotechnical reporting for design and council consent, and construction observations.

Liquefaction Assessment

TerraForma is experienced in carrying out liquefaction assessment for sites within Canterbury and other areas of New Zealand.

The level of assessment is generally governed by the underlying geology, expected levels of seismicity, rules & regulations put in place by the tertiary authority and scope of the project/proposed construction. In most circumstances, the outcomes of the liquefaction assessment can control the type of structure and foundation system.

For sites that require deep soil testing (for example cone penetration testing or machine borehole drilling), we have good working relationships with numerous reputable contractors New Zealand wide. This ensures the correct application of machinery with reliable data for the project at hand.